Organic Shallots for Planting
The French Grey Shallot

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180 days
These purple-fleshed gems are a french heirloom. They are encased in a thick brown shell and are prized for their mild, earthy, and sweet flavor by french chefs. Considered a "true" shallot, you won't have any problems with early bolting from these beauties! This cold-hardy shallot takes its time to "wake up" but after putting down an impressive root system you wil soon be surprised by an abundnace of stems in the spring and an impressive yield of bulbs in July. Medium-large bulbs are best eaten, while medium-small bulbs are replanted in the Fall for best yields the next year.
Plant on 8 inch centers, approximatley 2 inches deep. Provide a 1 inch layer of compost on the bed to provide fertility and act as a mulch through the winter months.
The Dutch Red Shallot

These bronze-skinned shallots are a dependable addition to the farm or garden. A classic shallot in flavor, expect yields of between 6 and 10 bulbs per single bulb planted. This is a superb storage shallot, and in colder climates we recommend planting in the spring to minimize the chance of early bolting. Harvest in July as the plant begins to die back.
Plant on 8 inch centers, approximatley 2 inches deep. Provide a 1 inch layer of compost on the bed to provide fertility and act as a mulch.
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